Window Kits

Insulate Windows with Plastic Sheeting by Frost King

Window Kits

It's cold outside. It's cold inside too. If you rent, you can't do anything too costly to insulate your windows. If you own and you aren't ready to replace old windows or you need an extra barrier of protection around old windows, there is a low-cost option. Single-pane windows and cracked windows need more than just weatherstripping around the frame. Handy do-it-yourselfers cover these draughty windows with plastic sheeting. Some even use our Frost King Window Kits to put an air-tight barrier between that warm fireside cuddle and that frigid snowscape that used to be your front yard. We've blogged about how to install window kits and how to remove window kits. Plastic sheeting isn't just for window kits. It's available for a multitude of do-it-yourself projects, including protection against do-it-yourself paint jobs, construction dust and even messy crafting. Frost King has a large assortment of clear and black polyethylene sheeting, ranging in size from rolls of 20 feet to 100 feet, in weights from 2.7 mil to 6 mil. When you're left with extra plastic sheeting, it's as versatile as Frost King drop cloths. Use it to cover an outdoor table for a family picnic under the large oak tree. Take extra plastic sheeting with you on your next camping trip. Cover the ground. Create a private area where you can stand to change clothes. Maybe even turn it into a slide. Be safe. We can't have any broken bones when it comes time to winterize your home this year. If you have questions about creative ways to use Frost King's drop cloths and plastic sheeting, please view our FAQs, call us at 1-800-299-5700 or send us a message.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only. Homeowners should always consider safety precautions before starting any home improvement project.  While we strive to offer accurate and helpful advice, Frost King does not assume responsibility for any actions taken based on the information provided or for any consequences resulting therefrom.