Window Kits

Instant Storm Windows

Window Kits

Frost King Window Kits - Use Case #57

This Frost King Window Kit User had some problems with the shape of the windows at his Mother's home in the country.

I have used the window treatments on my mothers home. It is a cottage style home with a lot of windows. Three sides are flat which made the tape easy to install, but the bottoms I would have to put some silicone in the gap after installing them. So I came up with the idea of making a frame, painting it white to match the windows and then covering it with Frost King window treatments. Heat the plastic and I have an instant storm window. I then attached them with pole barn screws and a piece of weather stripping on the bottom. So far they work great and look great also.

Whole thing took about three hours. A quick and easy and cheap solution to keeping the cold air out, and the warm air in.

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